Quote from: N6AQ on November 26, 2018, 02:06:30 PMAdmin > Configuration > Current theme
admin>themes and layout>member options>??
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to.
Free Themes & MODs / Re: Greeny
November 26, 2018, 04:11:26 PM #2
Free Themes & MODs / Re: Greeny
November 26, 2018, 01:08:00 PMQuote from: N6AQ on November 26, 2018, 10:32:05 AM
I am sorry I do not understand, is it in the theme setting?
Yes, It is.

Free Themes & MODs / Re: Wrap
February 07, 2018, 04:14:06 PM
Prueba con esto:
Al final del index.css agrega lo siguiente:
Al final del index.css agrega lo siguiente:
Code Select
.poster li.stars > img{max-width: 100%}
Free Themes & MODs / Re: Redsy
January 30, 2018, 03:29:36 PM
Pues iban bien solo les falto hacer unos cambios mas 
En el BoardIndex.template.php (Themes/Redsy),
Reemplazar por:
Reemplazar por:

En el BoardIndex.template.php (Themes/Redsy),
Code Select
<div class="tab-pane active" id="users" role="tabpanel">
Reemplazar por:
Code Select
<div class="tab-pane" id="users" role="tabpanel">
Code Select
<div class="hslice tab-pane" id="recent" role="tabpanel">
Reemplazar por:
Code Select
<div class="hslice tab-pane active" id="recent" role="tabpanel">
Site News / Re: SMF Tricks V5
January 26, 2018, 12:26:12 PMQuote from: js on January 25, 2018, 04:31:20 AMHere we use the Regular, but you can try the others to see which one you like most.
Roboto Regular or Roboto Light?
Site News / Re: SMF Tricks V5
January 24, 2018, 11:26:24 AMQuote from: js on January 24, 2018, 09:43:25 AMRoboto
What is the name of the font used in this theme?
Free Themes & MODs / Re: Reseller
January 19, 2018, 10:09:27 AM
Tambien puedes mirar este tutorial: https://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=546034.0
Free Themes & MODs / Re: Exodus
January 12, 2018, 12:30:55 PM
Si, es un error mio. En el BoardIndex busca id="recent_posts_content recent" y cambialo por id="recent".
PD: Acomoda el copyright del theme , debe ser tal cual como viene por default "Theme by SMFTricks".
PD: Acomoda el copyright del theme , debe ser tal cual como viene por default "Theme by SMFTricks".
Premium Themes / Re: Dash
July 26, 2017, 09:48:03 PMQuote from: kellygd on July 26, 2017, 09:23:04 PMI mean it replaces the logo that brings the theme by default. But the image of Boba Fett can also be changed by each user.
I have a question-- what does the theme mean by a custom "logo url"? Is that the Boba Fett picture? Is the Boba Fett picture changeable?
Thank you.

Premium Themes / Re: Dash
June 23, 2017, 02:52:46 PMQuote from: agent47 on June 23, 2017, 02:41:05 PMOh sorry, I forgot the setting to theme club, try to download it again.
Hey hey, why am I unable to download the most recent theme being a "Theme Club" member?!
The Theme Club clearly states "Access New Themes" and yet I'm unable to download Dash. Can someone please fix this ASAP!

Premium Themes / Dash
June 19, 2017, 04:36:57 PM- New template of Profile & PersonalMessage!
- HTML5 & Bootstrap v3.3.7
- FontAwesome v4.7.0
- Responsive theme
- Social networks icons
- Remove buttons (actions) from the main menu
- Group buttons (actions) inside a button named "Community" and choose which buttons you want to leave outside.
- Enable avatar on board mod
- Enable avatar on recent posts
- Enable avatar on topics list
- Set your own logo url
- Alerts when:
- You have new message
- The forum is in Maintenance Mode
- The forum have a moderation reports
- The forum have approve members for waiting

Updates and support will be found at SMF Tricks.
Demo: http://demo.smftricks.com/index.php
Store: http://smftricks.com/index.php?action=store;sa=view&id=38
Premium Themes / Night
September 02, 2016, 09:05:53 PM- HTML5 & Bootstrap v3.3.7
- FontAwesome v4.6.3
- Responsive theme
- Colorpicker Theme multicolor changer
- Carousel
- Titles
- Text and descriptions
- Add links to the sliders
- Social networks icons
- Remove buttons (actions) from the main menu
- Group buttons (actions) inside a button named "Community" and choose which buttons you want to leave outside.
- Enable avatar on board mod
- Enable avatar on recent posts
- Enable avatar on topics list
- Set your own logo url
- Alerts when:
- You have new message
- The forum is in Maintenance Mode
- The forum have a moderation reports
- The forum have approve members for waiting

Updates and support will be found at SMF Tricks.
Demo: http://demo.smftricks.com/index.php
Store: http://smftricks.com/index.php?action=store;sa=view&id=31
Premium Themes / Barbarian
August 10, 2016, 07:57:36 PM- HTML5 & Bootstrap v3.3.6
- FontAwesome v4.6.3
- Responsive theme
- Custom copyright
- Social networks icons
- Remove buttons (actions) from the main menu
- Group buttons (actions) inside a button named "Community" and choose which buttons you want to leave outside.
- Enable avatar on board mod
- Enable avatar on recent posts
- Enable avatar on topics list
- Set your own logo url
- Alerts when:
- You have new message
- The forum is in Maintenance Mode
- The forum have a moderation reports
- The forum have approve members for waiting

Updates and support will be found at SMF Tricks.
Demo: http://demo.smftricks.com/index.php
Store: http://smftricks.com/index.php?action=store;sa=view&id=28
Premium Themes / Re: Enjoy - Responsive theme with Colorpicker
July 30, 2016, 04:38:41 PMQuote from: qs12345 on July 30, 2016, 03:24:49 PMIt just a css trick to make simpleportal responsive. Will show all the columns in one.
The only code I've added into simpleportal is to disable one column when viewed by mobiles which I found on simpleportal's forum. I'm not too familiar with code, how would I go about writing the code to make simpleportal appear in one column and where would I need to insert it?
Index.css (Add to the end)
For only on phones:
Code Select
@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
/* some dirty fix for SP :)*/
#sp_left, #sp_right, #sp_center
width: 100%;
display: block;
For phones and tablets:
Code Select
@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
/* some dirty fix for SP :)*/
#sp_left, #sp_right, #sp_center
width: 100%;
display: block;