
Started by Diego Andrés, August 19, 2016, 12:12:34 AM

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Diego Andrés

Theme by Diego Andrés

Your categories personalized
With Everest you can have a two-column layout and get advantage of wide monitors.
As usual, you can have avatars in the last post by just enabling them! Make you users feel important by adding more than only their names.
Give an special look to your forum and to each category by adding amazing covers for them, as easy as just uploading the images to the theme images folder!

Info Center redesigned
Tired of the boring smf info center? Everest brings back the old days of tabbed info centers with a classic vertical style and a brand new way of displaying your forum information.
Recent posts
Enjoy the new feeling added to your recent posts with avatars and nice FA icons for an unique look.
Custom background
Now you can also customize your info center by adding a custom background to it. You can just add an URL for the image in the theme settings and you're ready to go!

The Carousel as you always wanted it
With the carousel you can have up to 3 slides and change the speed of it. Make you forum look just the way you wanted.
Carousel options
You don't want images? No problem, just disable them and you can setup a lonely background for your header, as simple as that.
You want more that just images? You can also add titles and text for each slide and link them to any URL you want.
Now finally you can choose if you want your carousel to show on every forum page or just on the index.

Receiving messages
Because we care about your users lazyness! Easily access to the recent private messages and have a small taste of the text.
Quick access
Everything you need you got it right there in the user menu, quick access to unread posts and profile links.
Do you need it?
Get rid of some of your menu buttons to minimize your menu and give your custom user area a more frequent use.

Connect Easy
Add links to specific pages and keep them visibles for your users
Social interaction
Place your social networks in the header and let your community know about them.

The color you want
Using our colorpicker feature, you can set any color you want for your theme.
Users can participate too
You can additionally let the users to customize the forum and pick their own color for the theme by just selecting it with the colorpicker!

[div=btn btn-danger][div=fa fa-shopping-cart][/div] Buy this theme[/div]
[div=btn btn-success][div=fa fa-search][/div] Demo[/div]
Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 12:17:38 AM by Diego Andrés


Recently installed this theme and love how it's set up and all of the perks. 

What I'm running into now is that some of the mods I install don't show up.  For example, Additional Authors and Bookmarks.  (Actually running into the same issue on the Dark Dream theme as well.)  We are also using the Dash theme and both of these mods show up just fine on that one.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

Diego Andrés

Make sure you installed the mods on the other themes as well.
Usually when installing a mod you will see an option to install in other themes.
If you installed themes after you'll have to do the edits manually using following the parse/mod instructions for the files that the mod modifies.
E.g bookmarks mod edits the display.template.php file if I'm not mistaken.

If you need assistance please open a support topic in the corresponding theme board that you are having issues with.



Thank you so much for the fast response! And I'm so sorry I posted this in the wrong board!


These are the information I'm looking for looking for it.


Is this 2.0.15 compatible?
Vision without action is a daydream.  Action without vision is a nightmare.

Diego Andrés


Vision without action is a daydream.  Action without vision is a nightmare.


I just realised I posted a question on the product page, which seems to be the wrong place, sorry about that.

Do you know if this skin works with SimplePortal?  Is it possible to have a sidebar with it?

Thanks in advance! :D

Diego Andrés

Surely should work.
The best place to ask for support or more elaborated questions would be the dedicated board for the theme if you already bought it :P


Awesome, thank you!  I'm going to purchase it now.


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