
Started by Daniel, February 02, 2014, 06:10:37 PM

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When a user logs into SMF forum from a smartphone, responsive slider menu of Wrap theme doesn't work and it just refreshes the page.
It works for all pages while nobody is logged in or on a homepage.


I am using the Wrap theme and all is generally well.  My issue concerns the dropdown child (a.active.secondlevel) menu items behavior in Firefox 37.  These appear in a block normally when the cursor hovers over the main menu item--but often disappears too quickly when moving the cursor down to click on one.  One has to be VERY quick to get there.  On the first load of a new page, they stick.  After selecting a menu item on the resulting page they do not.  Is there a way to extend the persistence of the child menu block on hover--or glue it better to the first level menu item?  This is making me nuts....  >:D

It is interesting to note that this behavior is limited to FF.  The dropdown functions perfectly in Safari, Chrome, IE, and Opera.  Any thoughts?


Thanks for making this theme, i am trying to use it , but i found a little bug.

When i am at the post index of a board, if i navigate for exemple to the fifth post, the page indicator of where i am doesn't change.
I think it should change color or at least the number should have a [ ] showing here i am.

shoud have something like

You can try a live view here http://www.fiatistas.com/forum/index.php?board=3.80, if you change pages, the number where you are doesn't change color, nor does it have the [] in the page 5 for example, indicating where you are.
is there any way to change this ?


Last Edit: August 02, 2015, 01:13:01 PM by neph


Hello all...

Can anyone help ?



Buenas!, Miren yo soy nuevo y me gustaría Que me ayuden en esto..
PD: Uso el Theme Wrap smftricks
Me Gustaría Aprender a como crear un rango de Admin, vip, etc como este y ponerle una imagen que diga su rango..
Foto: smftricks
Tambien como poner Esta Celda Y Con el progreso y los trofeos si pueden..
Desde Ya Muchas Gracias...
Espero Respuetas.
Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 03:18:12 PM by Diego Andrés


Hola, pues para colocar un rango es muy simple.

Admin > Usuario > Grupos de usuario, en esta parte modificas el rango que quieres y abajo dice URL, /images/ nombre de tu rango .png previamente haber cargado por tu ftp a la misma carpeta del theme. Y listo, aparecera en tu dispaly


Hola hice unas placas para mi foro, y resulta que quedo demasiado grande, existe alguna manera de ponerlo mas pequeño? hice unas mas pequeñas pero aun asi se sigue viendo muy grande



Que theme estas utilizando?



Prueba con esto:
Al final del index.css agrega lo siguiente:
.poster li.stars > img{max-width: 100%}



Quote from: Daniel on February 07, 2018, 04:14:06 PM
Prueba con esto:
Al final del index.css agrega lo siguiente:
.poster li.stars > img{max-width: 100%}


Genial! muchas gracias ya tomó el tamaño normal, gracias!