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Theme Requests / Mod info & request
Last post by Verrick - May 20, 2024, 02:58:32 PM

I need a modification for my forum using smf.

I need something that will look like an Excel, Google Sheet or table.

Similar to

But I need the ability to assign each column to a different group(s).

So based on example Column A Row 6+ is order number 10000 and up.

Column B Row 6+ Is item name filled in by user.

Column C Row 6+ Is Name Filled in by user

Column D Row 6+ is Date person  enters data.

Column E Row 6+ should have 2 options for it "Self" or "Market"

Column F Row 6+ Is Quantity if Column E is set self then user enters quantity
If Column E is set to market then no quantity is entered.

Column G Row 6+ Is Name of builder entered at later time.

Column H Row 6+ is Minimum Stock Field entered at later date.
Column I Row 6+ Is Job in progress check box entered at later date.

Column J Row 6+ is Date Builder starts making items.

ST Shop would have been close but could not change names/titles and could not clear or change sell and money info to other titles.

OR a mod that can bring and Excel or Google sheet into forum and Table out of forum to a Google Sheet.
MAybe and inventory mod or a ST Shop with more options and ability to change titles ect.

What would cost be to make such a mod?

Free Themes & MODs / ThemeRe: NameX
Last post by magnus - April 12, 2024, 11:13:19 AM
very well thank you for your advice sir!
Free Themes & MODs / ThemeRe: NameX
Last post by Diego Andrés - April 12, 2024, 11:06:23 AM
The theme does not have a setting for "random news", you need to use the news fader instead.
Free Themes & MODs / ThemeRe: NameX
Last post by magnus - April 12, 2024, 11:03:16 AM
In the default SMF theme, "News" items typically appear in the top right corner. Do I need to adjust any settings or CSS to ensure they're displayed?
how about this site? can i also apply here?
Free Themes & MODs / ThemeRe: NameX
Last post by Diego Andrés - March 26, 2024, 08:24:46 AM
Try disabling this option in the admin.
Admin > Forum configuration > Features and options > Minimize CSS and JavaScript files.
Free Themes & MODs / ThemeRe: NameX
Last post by Thrawn - March 26, 2024, 03:11:30 AM

This theme is superb but I'm having an issue. The "bold", "italic". etc buttons row is now visible on my site. What could be the reason? Thanks!
Premium Themes / Re: LikeIPB
Last post by Diego Andrés - March 24, 2024, 02:18:56 PM
Uploaded an updated package to the downloads:

2.5.3 - 24 March 2024
  • Improvement Layout improvements and fixes.

Use the support board for the theme if you have further issues:
Premium Themes / Re: Re: Theme LikeIPB
Last post by Diego Andrés - March 24, 2024, 12:19:39 PM
Use the support board to report any issues and I'll help you fix them and update the package.
Premium Themes / Re: Theme LikeIPB
Last post by bluecrab - March 24, 2024, 12:14:35 PM
Hi, I just bought this theme and the mobile experience (iPhone 13 Pro Max) has a lot of glitches. Not sure I'll be using it now. Any way to get a refund? Thanks.
Free Themes & MODs / ThemeRe: NameX
Last post by Diego Andrés - February 14, 2024, 08:26:11 AM
Usually happens when you go back on the browser or have two tabs open in the admin, not really a theme issue.