
Started by Daniel, July 28, 2014, 09:19:18 PM

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Link to the theme

Free & Premium Themes for SMF

Developed by Daniiel and Diego Andrés
Designed by: Brian Casillas


Demo Online
☑️ Features
  • FontAwesome
  • Social Networks
  • Logo URL
  • Forum Width
  • Separate sticky topics
  • Avatars
    • Boards
    • Topics
    • Online Users
    • Recent Posts
    • Memberlist
  • Menu Customization
    • Disable Menu Icons
    • Add Log out, Log in and Sign up buttons
    • Remove Specific Menu
    • Community Button for Grouping
  • Select CDN for Fonts
  • Quick New Topic Button

📦 Installation
It is installed as a traditional SMF Theme for SMF 2.1.x, just grab the latest release of the package and go to: Admin > Configuration > Themes and Layout > Install a New Theme > From an Archive > Select File > Upload.

You can find detailed instructions and/or more documentation about the process in Installation - How do I install a theme.

🌐 Localization
Translations are all based off the Theme Customs strings, and you can contribute directly on Crowdin.

🔨 Changelog
Review the changes and patches from the different releases/versions of the package in the Changelog
Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 11:33:21 PM by Diego Andrés


When trying to Download PSD Logo it shows database error. Could you please fix this :) Thanks a lot


After applying the Reseller theme. Everything is perfect. Only problem is that the Parent item links were fine in default theme are now as # links in this particular theme. Kindly suggest what needs to be done.

Thanks for this awesome theme.


Quote from: stecomminfo on August 05, 2014, 02:15:08 AM
When trying to Download PSD Logo it shows database error. Could you please fix this :) Thanks a lot
This is a problem that we are trying to fix, meanwhile I will attach the file here for everybody who need it.


@Daniel and Other SMFGurus

I have just installed Reseller theme on my forum. This is a wonderful theme. I appreciate your efforts. However, here are the issues I'm facing currently.

1. How do I make the menu (home, login, register, my messages, profile, logout etc) appear without having to click the 'toggle navigation' just like you have them under the smftrick logo on this forum.

2. How can I add mobile adsense code to the forum

3. I need to make some buttons appear without having to click the green + buttons and blue 'action' How do I make the common ones like 'New topic' 'Reply' 'Move Topic' 'Quote' etc to be visible. Not every user can easily locate them in their folded away under another button.

4. Though I have uploaded a picture as my avatar, it doesn't show up on topics and posts. It still displays the default blue avatar with 'question mark sign.'
How do I resolve this problem? Any theme setting/code edit to disable that default giant blue avatar?



Smf tricks you are the best all you themes is extremely great, i wish you guys long life and prosperity


i install this theme and everything turn to white as if there is no theme present, please can cause it, is smf version 7.0.8


1.- Index.template.php (Themes/Reseller)
// Show the menu up top. Something like [home] [help] [profile] [logout]...
function template_menu()
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;

foreach ($context['menu_buttons'] as $act => $button)
echo '
<li id="button_', $act, '" class="', $button['sub_buttons'] ? 'dropdown ' : '', '', $button['active_button'] ? 'active ' : '', '">
<a ', $button['sub_buttons'] ? 'class="dropdown-toggle" ' : '', 'href="', $button['sub_buttons'] ? '#' : $button['href'], '"', isset($button['target']) ? ' target="' . $button['target'] . '"' : '', '', $button['sub_buttons'] ? 'data-toggle="dropdown"' : '', '>
', $button['title'], '
', $button['sub_buttons'] ? '<span class="caret"></span>' : '' ,'
if (!empty($button['sub_buttons']))
echo '
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">';

foreach ($button['sub_buttons'] as $childbutton)
echo '
<a href="', $childbutton['href'], '"', isset($childbutton['target']) ? ' target="' . $childbutton['target'] . '"' : '', '>
', $childbutton['title'] , '
echo '
echo '

Replace for:
// Show the menu up top. Something like [home] [help] [profile] [logout]...
function template_menu()
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;

foreach ($context['menu_buttons'] as $act => $button)
echo '
<li id="button_', $act, '" ', $button['active_button'] ? 'class="active"' : '', '>
<a ', $button['sub_buttons'] ? 'class="dropdown-toggle" ' : '', 'href="', $button['href'], '"', isset($button['target']) ? ' target="' . $button['target'] . '"' : '', '>
', $button['title'], '

You add icons like smftricks with this mod:;sa=view;down=47#forum
2.- Adsense gives you several types of advertising including one specific to mobile.
3.- Index.template.php (Themes/Reseller)
// Generate a strip of buttons.
function template_button_strip($button_strip, $direction = 'top', $strip_options = array())
global $settings, $context, $txt, $scripturl;

if (!is_array($strip_options))
$strip_options = array();

// List the buttons in reverse order for RTL languages.
if ($context['right_to_left'])
$button_strip = array_reverse($button_strip, true);

// Create the buttons...
$buttons = array();
foreach ($button_strip as $key => $value)
if (!isset($value['test']) || !empty($context[$value['test']]))
$buttons[] = '
<li><a' . (isset($value['id']) ? ' id="button_strip_' . $value['id'] . '"' : '') . ' class="button_strip_' . $key . (isset($value['active']) ? ' active' : '') . '" href="' . $value['url'] . '"' . (isset($value['custom']) ? ' ' . $value['custom'] : '') . '><span>' . $txt[$value['text']] . '</span></a></li>';

// No buttons? No button strip either.
if (empty($buttons))

// Make the last one, as easy as possible.
$buttons[count($buttons) - 1] = str_replace('<span>', '<span class="last">', $buttons[count($buttons) - 1]);

echo '
<div class="btn-group', !empty($direction) ? ' navbar-' . $direction : '', '"', (empty($buttons) ? ' style="display: none;"' : ''), (!empty($strip_options['id']) ? ' id="' . $strip_options['id'] . '"': ''), '>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
    Actions <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">',
implode('', $buttons), '

Replace for:
// Generate a strip of buttons.
function template_button_strip($button_strip, $direction = 'top', $strip_options = array())
global $settings, $context, $txt, $scripturl;

if (!is_array($strip_options))
$strip_options = array();

// List the buttons in reverse order for RTL languages.
if ($context['right_to_left'])
$button_strip = array_reverse($button_strip, true);

// Create the buttons...
$buttons = array();
foreach ($button_strip as $key => $value)
if (!isset($value['test']) || !empty($context[$value['test']]))
$buttons[] = '
<li><a' . (isset($value['id']) ? ' id="button_strip_' . $value['id'] . '"' : '') . ' class="button_strip_' . $key . (isset($value['active']) ? ' active' : '') . '" href="' . $value['url'] . '"' . (isset($value['custom']) ? ' ' . $value['custom'] : '') . '><span>' . $txt[$value['text']] . '</span></a></li>';

// No buttons? No button strip either.
if (empty($buttons))

// Make the last one, as easy as possible.
$buttons[count($buttons) - 1] = str_replace('<span>', '<span class="last">', $buttons[count($buttons) - 1]);

echo '
<div class="buttonlist', !empty($direction) ? ' float' . $direction : '', '"', (empty($buttons) ? ' style="display: none;"' : ''), (!empty($strip_options['id']) ? ' id="' . $strip_options['id'] . '"': ''), '>
implode('', $buttons), '

Display.template.php (Themes/Reseller)
<div class="postarea">';

// If this is the first post, (#0) just say when it was posted - otherwise give the reply #.
if ($message['can_approve'] || $context['can_reply'] || $message['can_modify'] || $message['can_remove'] || $context['can_split'] || $context['can_restore_msg'])
echo '
<div class="btn-group navbar-right">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle btn-sm" data-toggle="dropdown">Actions <span class="caret"></span></button>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"">';

// Maybe we can approve it, maybe we should?
if ($message['can_approve'])
echo '
<li class="approve_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=moderate;area=postmod;sa=approve;topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';msg=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $txt['approve'], '</a></li>';

// Can they reply? Have they turned on quick reply?
if ($context['can_quote'] && !empty($options['display_quick_reply']))
echo '
<li class="quote_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=post;quote=', $message['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';last_msg=', $context['topic_last_message'], '" onclick="return oQuickReply.quote(', $message['id'], ');">', $txt['quote'], '</a></li>';

// So... quick reply is off, but they *can* reply?
elseif ($context['can_quote'])
echo '
<li class="quote_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=post;quote=', $message['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';last_msg=', $context['topic_last_message'], '">', $txt['quote'], '</a></li>';

// Can the user modify the contents of this post?
if ($message['can_modify'])
echo '
<li class="modify_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=post;msg=', $message['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], '">', $txt['modify'], '</a></li>';

// How about... even... remove it entirely?!
if ($message['can_remove'])
echo '
<li class="remove_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=deletemsg;topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';msg=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '" onclick="return confirm(\'', $txt['remove_message'], '?\');">', $txt['remove'], '</a></li>';

// What about splitting it off the rest of the topic?
if ($context['can_split'] && !empty($context['real_num_replies']))
echo '
<li class="split_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=splittopics;topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.0;at=', $message['id'], '">', $txt['split'], '</a></li>';

// Can we restore topics?
if ($context['can_restore_msg'])
echo '
<li class="restore_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=restoretopic;msgs=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $txt['restore_message'], '</a></li>';

if ($message['can_approve'] || $context['can_reply'] || $message['can_modify'] || $message['can_remove'] || $context['can_split'] || $context['can_restore_msg'])
echo '
<ul class="reset floatright" style="margin: 5px 15px 0 7px;">';

// Show a checkbox for quick moderation?
if (!empty($options['display_quick_mod']) && $options['display_quick_mod'] == 1 && $message['can_remove'])
echo '
<li class="inline_mod_check" style="display: none;" id="in_topic_mod_check_', $message['id'], '"></li>';

<div class="keyinfo">
<div class="messageicon">
<img src="', $message['icon_url'] . '" alt=""', $message['can_modify'] ? ' id="msg_icon_' . $message['id'] . '"' : '', ' />
<h5 id="subject_', $message['id'], '">
<a href="', $message['href'], '" rel="nofollow">', $message['subject'], '</a>
<div class="smalltext">&#171; <strong>', !empty($message['counter']) ? $txt['reply_noun'] . ' #' . $message['counter'] : '', ' ', $txt['on'], ':</strong> ', $message['time'], ' &#187;</div>
<div id="msg_', $message['id'], '_quick_mod"></div>

Replace for:
<div class="postarea">
<div class="flow_hidden">
<div class="keyinfo">
<div class="messageicon">
<img src="', $message['icon_url'] . '" alt=""', $message['can_modify'] ? ' id="msg_icon_' . $message['id'] . '"' : '', ' />
<h5 id="subject_', $message['id'], '">
<a href="', $message['href'], '" rel="nofollow">', $message['subject'], '</a>
<div class="smalltext">&#171; <strong>', !empty($message['counter']) ? $txt['reply_noun'] . ' #' . $message['counter'] : '', ' ', $txt['on'], ':</strong> ', $message['time'], ' &#187;</div>
<div id="msg_', $message['id'], '_quick_mod"></div>

// If this is the first post, (#0) just say when it was posted - otherwise give the reply #.
if ($message['can_approve'] || $context['can_reply'] || $message['can_modify'] || $message['can_remove'] || $context['can_split'] || $context['can_restore_msg'])
echo '
<ul class="reset smalltext quickbuttons">';

// Maybe we can approve it, maybe we should?
if ($message['can_approve'])
echo '
<li class="approve_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=moderate;area=postmod;sa=approve;topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';msg=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $txt['approve'], '</a></li>';

// Can they reply? Have they turned on quick reply?
if ($context['can_quote'] && !empty($options['display_quick_reply']))
echo '
<li class="quote_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=post;quote=', $message['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';last_msg=', $context['topic_last_message'], '" onclick="return oQuickReply.quote(', $message['id'], ');">', $txt['quote'], '</a></li>';

// So... quick reply is off, but they *can* reply?
elseif ($context['can_quote'])
echo '
<li class="quote_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=post;quote=', $message['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';last_msg=', $context['topic_last_message'], '">', $txt['quote'], '</a></li>';

// Can the user modify the contents of this post?
if ($message['can_modify'])
echo '
<li class="modify_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=post;msg=', $message['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], '">', $txt['modify'], '</a></li>';

// How about... even... remove it entirely?!
if ($message['can_remove'])
echo '
<li class="remove_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=deletemsg;topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';msg=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '" onclick="return confirm(\'', $txt['remove_message'], '?\');">', $txt['remove'], '</a></li>';

// What about splitting it off the rest of the topic?
if ($context['can_split'] && !empty($context['real_num_replies']))
echo '
<li class="split_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=splittopics;topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.0;at=', $message['id'], '">', $txt['split'], '</a></li>';

// Can we restore topics?
if ($context['can_restore_msg'])
echo '
<li class="restore_button"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=restoretopic;msgs=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $txt['restore_message'], '</a></li>';

// Show a checkbox for quick moderation?
if (!empty($options['display_quick_mod']) && $options['display_quick_mod'] == 1 && $message['can_remove'])
echo '
<li class="inline_mod_check" style="display: none;" id="in_topic_mod_check_', $message['id'], '"></li>';

if ($message['can_approve'] || $context['can_reply'] || $message['can_modify'] || $message['can_remove'] || $context['can_split'] || $context['can_restore_msg'])
echo '

echo '

4.- That must be a problem that has nothing to do with the theme. You should try if it does not work in the default theme.


Quote from: everest9 on August 13, 2014, 03:13:23 AM
i install this theme and everything turn to white as if there is no theme present, please can cause it, is smf version 7.0.8
You had to have a problem uploading the theme, try uploading again.


@Daniel, I appreciate your generous support from the depth of my heart. Issues 2-5 have been resolved and I'm now relieved. Unfortunately, I still have to click 'toggle navigation' before the simple menu icons are displayed. I have installed simple menu icons as you recommended but the links are not showing up like you have here on smftricks (shows on PC view). I'm testing with operamini mobile browser which is what most of my forum members use. Please kindly help me, Sir. I'll prefer that the links to the main menus stand out above the logo like in SMFtricks instead of having to be clicking toggle navigation.
Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 01:08:45 PM by ultrazone


Buen theme!! Ahora lo descargo



im sorry to disturb you but i have a weird issue. I am unable to click on any of the menu variable or even have it drop down.

I tried from my personnal PC (Windows 7), a virtual PC in my server (Windows 7) and from my server desktop (Windows Server 2008 R2). I have tried with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari on every computer but i was not successfull.

Is there something i did not understand or did not see because im out of idea. My SMF version is 2.0.8.

Thank you very much for your time and help (in advance) and this theme is awesome.




Quote from: agentpr24 on August 20, 2014, 02:21:43 PM

im sorry to disturb you but i have a weird issue. I am unable to click on any of the menu variable or even have it drop down.

I tried from my personnal PC (Windows 7), a virtual PC in my server (Windows 7) and from my server desktop (Windows Server 2008 R2). I have tried with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari on every computer but i was not successfull.

Is there something i did not understand or did not see because im out of idea. My SMF version is 2.0.8.

Thank you very much for your time and help (in advance) and this theme is awesome.


This post is not for support, please create a topic in the section for support and will gladly help you. If you can explain it with images, is better.


Quote from: ultrazone on August 18, 2014, 12:12:35 AM
@Daniel, I appreciate your generous support from the depth of my heart. Issues 2-5 have been resolved and I'm now relieved. Unfortunately, I still have to click 'toggle navigation' before the simple menu icons are displayed. I have installed simple menu icons as you recommended but the links are not showing up like you have here on smftricks (shows on PC view). I'm testing with operamini mobile browser which is what most of my forum members use. Please kindly help me, Sir. I'll prefer that the links to the main menus stand out above the logo like in SMFtricks instead of having to be clicking toggle navigation.
You mean that you want the nav like this: ?


You are right, Daniel. All I need is for the menu options to be visible like that of smftricks on mobile operamini view. If you don't mind, you can compare the header/navbar view using operamini browser: and