
Started by Diego Andrés, February 09, 2016, 07:04:51 PM

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Diego Andrés

Link to the theme

Free & Premium Themes for SMF

Developed by: Diego Andrés
Designed by: Harold Zapata


Demo Online
☑️ Features
  • FontAwesome
  • Social Networks
  • Logo URL
  • Forum Width
  • Separate sticky topics
  • Avatars
    • Boards
    • Topics
    • Online Users
    • Recent Posts
    • Memberlist
  • Menu Customization
    • Disable Menu Icons
    • Add Log out, Log in and Sign up buttons
    • Remove Specific Menu
    • Community Button for Grouping
  • Select CDN for Fonts

📦 Installation
It is installed as a traditional SMF Theme for SMF 2.1.x, just grab the latest release of the package and go to: Admin > Configuration > Themes and Layout > Install a New Theme > From an Archive > Select File > Upload.

You can find detailed instructions and/or more documentation about the process in Installation - How do I install a theme.

🌐 Localization
Translations are all based off the Theme Customs strings, and you can contribute directly on Crowdin.

🔨 Changelog
Review the changes and patches from the different releases/versions of the package in the Changelog
Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 11:41:04 PM by Diego Andrés


Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for the theme. It's great! I have been modding the style sheet to fit in with my site and wondered if you could help. I'm having trouble finding the settings for the two bits below. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?

I was looking to set the colour of the text to a darker colour, and change the boxes to a lighter shade.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Diego Andrés

You can edit them in the app.css file
#info_center_blocks #block-forum_stats div span.title#info_center_blocks #block-forum_stats div span.totals


Amazing, thank you so much! And thank you again for such a brilliant theme!


Lovely theme. I have one issue with not seeing "News" items displayed. In the default smf theme, this shows in the top right. Do I have to enable something in settings or css?

Diego Andrés

There is no setting for random news block on this theme.


Oh, so you mean it won't display anywhere I guess.

Diego Andrés

Yup, only newsfader option I'm afraid.


I can make use of that. Thank you again for a lovely theme!


Hi there, first of all thanks for the amazing Theme, i want to change the forum icons for new posts etc, i already changed the boardicons.png file to a new one but without any changes, what i am missing?


i wan't to change something in my forum-optic, but i need a tip how to do it. The wishes are shown in the attached image.

Thank you!

Image:  You cannot view this attachment.

Diego Andrés

What would the 'add here' part mean?
Regarding the search, it could introduce a UX problem for your users depending on the size of their screen, they would most likely only take advantage of such change in a large screen.


Add here means the the buttons from upper "removed" Part should be added there.
And the search can be done in the Row with the logo...

Diego Andrés

I'll have a look when I get some free time, hopefully soon.


Dear Diego,
that sounds really good. Thanks very much