ST Shop

Started by Diego Andrés, February 02, 2014, 06:32:27 PM

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Diego Andrés

Link to the mod

ST Shop for SMF
Developed by: Diego Andrés
Original Developer: Sleepy Arcade™
Original Idea: Daniel15

ST Shop allows you to add a shop to your forum and gives you a wide variety of options to customize your shop for your users experience.

  • Enable shop
    • You can use the shop features as a standalone points system
  • Custom credits/currency
  • Add/Edit shop items
    • Image
    • Price
    • Categories
    • Stock
  • Purchase items from the shop
  • Custom categories
  • Trade center
  • Shop logs
    • Transaction logs
    • Bank logs
    • Trade logs
    • Gift logs
    • Sent credits logs
  • Casino/games room
    • Special game pass access to play
  • Inventories
    • Display inventories in your profile post
    • Select your favorite items to display
  • Shop stats



ST Shop Modules
Modules and Addons Discussion
Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 11:12:48 PM by Diego Andrés


Diego me gustaria saber como traducirla al español?


Buenas, me gustaría saber si en la creación de objetos se podrían subir iconos personalizados, sólo puedo usar los de por defecto, lo que limita mucho el juego del mod.
Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 01:56:18 PM by atenea_user


Kindly help,..when installing this awesome mod in wrap theme,...error occured :(
"./Themes/Wrap/Display.template.php" test failed  :'(

Kindly guide me.

Diego Andrés

You're trying to add that line manually?
You're going in a good way, just add it before
// Show how many blah blah


Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 23, 2014, 07:04:10 PM
You're trying to add that line manually?
You're going in a good way, just add it before
// Show how many blah blah
the line before or replace it ?
and i have to put the single line before or full code ?   :-\

Diego Andrés

Just find
// Show how many posts they have made.

And BEFORE, add this

// Begin shop Mod
echo '
<li>', $modSettings['shopprefix'], $message['member']['cash'], $modSettings['shopsurfix'], ' </li>';
echo'<li><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=shop;sa=inventory;next2=', $message['member']['username'], '">',$txt['View_Inventory'],'</a></li>
<li><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=shop;sa=gift;u=', $message['member']['username'], '">Send '.$modSettings['shopsurfix'].'/Gift </a></li>';
echo '<li>';
if ($modSettings['ShopIpDis'] == 1 && $modSettings['ShopIpPos'] == 0)
if (count($message['member']['shopitems']) != 0)
foreach ($message['member']['shopitems'] as $shopitem)
echo '<img src="',$settings['images_url'], '/shopimg/item_images/',$shopitem['image'],' " alt ="',$shopitem['desc'],'" />&nbsp;&nbsp;';

echo '</li>';
// End shop Mod


Ok, worked and installed successfully.
but may i know how to use this thing ?
means where i can get full description to use this shop ?
it's really nice mod. kindly help me to use it.

Like after installing, i visited shop,..and found that there are Shown richest members [pocket], so there are 10 members who have 1000 credits, what it means ?
only 10 members have credit ?
And suppose we buy items, Games Room Pass,..for xxx days, will pass be automatically for xxx days or we have to disable after xxx days ?  :-\
Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 11:26:45 PM by GamePersia

Diego Andrés

I don't have any full description.
Maybe for the next version which is coming for SMF 2.1


Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 24, 2014, 01:14:15 AM
I don't have any full description.
Maybe for the next version which is coming for SMF 2.1
Next version  ;D ;D
may i know the changes and will it need this version to remove first ?  :-\

Diego Andrés

Quote from: GamePersia on July 24, 2014, 01:29:20 AM
Next version  ;D ;D
may i know the changes and will it need this version to remove first ?  :-\

That's obvious, because you'll also lost all your themes and mods, because as I said, is coming for the Next version of SMF, which is SMF 2.1, so you'll need to upgrade. Anyway, there's not a release date for SMF 2.1, is going to be ready when it's ready.
You can check how things are going in the repo at GitHub:

And you can find a "monthly" update here:


PD: This topic was about SA Shop, we went too far from it.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 24, 2014, 09:43:51 AM
That's obvious, because you'll also lost all your themes and mods, because as I said, is coming for the Next version of SMF, which is SMF 2.1, so you'll need to upgrade. Anyway, there's not a release date for SMF 2.1, is going to be ready when it's ready.
You can check how things are going in the repo at GitHub:

And you can find a "monthly" update here:


PD: This topic was about SA Shop, we went too far from it.
yes we went too far  ;D ;D


como comprar ticke para entrar al GAMEROOMS
algun tutoriald e como usar la ST Shop 4.1??

Diego Andrés

Tienes que crear un ítem que utilice el módulo de games pass.
Después hay que comprar el ítem y usarlo desde el inventario.



Hello Diego!

One quick question - what is the maximum amount a credits that a user can have? Thanks!