PreSale Questions - Stope Theme

Started by BugginIn, September 02, 2024, 11:02:20 AM

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Love the theme, looks really nice on mobile as well. Have a couple questions:

Guessing it is compatible with some/all of the popular mods like EZ-Portal, video embed, gallery lite, Battle, ST-Shop, etc??

Also - I have several premium mods from smfpacks - these would be compatible with this theme as well?

No issues you know of with any mod out there so far?

Thank you,



Hmmmm, is this site still monitored for sales/support?

Thank you,


Diego Andrés

Should be compatible.
@Boban ツ  would be able to answer a bit more.

It does have a support board access after purchase so you'd be able to get assistance with those as well.

Also MODs that only use hooks are compatible with any themes because they don't modify files.


Boban ツ


Like Diego saids MODs that only use hooks are compatible with any themes, if MODs edits theme files maybe have to been insert manually. Those MODs you mentioned can be instaled on the theme, for that premium mods I don't know you can check what files need to be replaced.
Last Edit: September 08, 2024, 08:14:03 PM by Boban ツ