
Started by Daniel, February 02, 2014, 05:25:17 PM

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Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 10:18:41 PM by Diego Andrés


Hi, @ Daniel   Are you steel on this forum???  Can you help me me whit a BUG at this theme Connect??  i don't know where to ask, so I will let here this messege.

I instaled  Connect on my but the button on the right that is for LOG IN is not working. :(  I don't know what to do to make it work.

Can you help me fix it????  how can I fix it??? Is like this from sept.-oct. 2013 when I install this theme.


Quote from: flashboy on March 10, 2014, 06:05:25 AM
Hi, @ Daniel   Are you steel on this forum???  Can you help me me whit a BUG at this theme Connect??  i don't know where to ask, so I will let here this messege.

I instaled  Connect on my but the button on the right that is for LOG IN is not working. :(  I don't know what to do to make it work.

Can you help me fix it????  how can I fix it??? Is like this from sept.-oct. 2013 when I install this theme.
Can you attach me your index.template?


 Look this is how it is installed,  I attached. I hope you find someting because I dind't find the BUG  :(


Quote from: flashboy on March 11, 2014, 01:44:35 AM
Look this is how it is installed,  I attached. I hope you find someting because I dind't find the BUG  :(

Try with this.


 This one it seem to work ok. :) Hope that will not make other BUGS.   Thanks.   You can see here


 I have 1 more bug. This one I don't know if is from theme or from a mode that I install. I install a mode coled  "PRETTY URLs" but when I activ the stattistics on my homepage, whit connect as theme,  the link from stattistics is not working.

Look on homepage  scroll dowm under the new post is a link "[Mai multe Statistici]" Normaly if I push that button it should show me the stattistics of the forum. But in this theme it says that didn't find that page.

I don't know if is a bug from the theme or the mode, but I wanted to show it to you maby it will help you fix it or adaptet whit he mode. You can use the index.themplate that you send it to me in the post above.
Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 03:04:13 AM by flashboy


hola amigos me podrian dar alguna solucion, no carga la imagen al tratar de registrarse, que puedo hacer?

mi foro


Te aseguraste de poner el Key de seguridad que te da la web oficial de captcha como un permiso para usarla?



disculpa me referia a esta xD


Trata de instalar otro tema, si es que sigue si aparecer es problema de tu hosting!


Puedes instalar reCAPTCHA: y solucionar el error.


Hi i run your theme on my website (I think its great!) Apart from the little (or big depending on who you ask) problem i have with the profile dropdown menu (you know this one
It seems as if every time i hover over it and try to click on profile the menu goes away. However selecting the text allows for use of the menu

You can see more of this issue here


I tried to register in your website, but the email confirmation never comes.